Nov 04, 2024
News Release
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Announcement Of Cessation As Non-Executive Chairman
Announcement Of Cessation As Non-Executive Chairman
Resignation Details | |
Name Of Person | Lim Jit Poh |
Age | 69 |
Is Effective Date Of Cessation Known? | Yes |
Effective Date Of Cessation | 14/11/2008 |
Detailed Reason(s) for Cessation | Please refer to attached letter. |
Is there any difference of opinion on material matters between the person and the Board of directors? | No |
If yes, please elaborate | NA |
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? | No |
If yes, please elaborate | NA |
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? | No |
If yes, please elaborate | NA |
Date of Appointment to current position | 28/03/2006 |
Job Title | Chairman (Non-Executive, Independent) |
Role and Responsibilities | 1. Sets time-table and agenda for Board meetings, taking into account issues raised by Board members; 2. Ensures that Board members receive accurate, timely and clear information; 3. Ensures effective communication with shareholders and an understanding of shareholder views by Board members; 4. Facilitates the effective communication of non-executive directors in particular; 5. Ensures constructive relations between executive directors and non-executive directors; 6. Chairs the meetings of the Board and general meetings of the Company; 7. Chairs Board committee meetings where he is appointed as Chairman (e.g. Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee); 8. Facilitates a comprehensive induction programme for new directors; 9. Ensures that corporate governance requirements are properly addressed and that the Board receives corporate risk reports in accordance with agreed timeline; and 10. Ensures that the Board establishes and regularly reviews the Company's corporate strategy. |
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this resignation)? | Yes |
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation) | 2 |
Number of Cessations of Appointments specified in Listing Rule 704(7) over the past 12 months | 7 |
Shareholding in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries | None |
Family relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries | None |
Other Directorship | |
Past Directorship (for the last five years) | See attached. |
Present Directorship | See attached. |
- Letter of Resignation (Size: 647,155 bytes)
- Present Directorships (Size: 20,610 bytes)
- Past Directorships (Size: 15,112 bytes)